meet the team - Ben Furnell

News at Furnell Residential | 22/02/2021

Name: Benjamin Peter Furnell

Job title: Director

Main area of responsibility: Everything bar the diary - apparently I can't organise

Best part of the job: Clients become friends

What in your view makes Furnell Residential different: Being able to speak to us at anytime of day

Favourite holiday destination: Nanna’s house in Spain

Favourite book: Only book I have time for at the moment is Facebook

Favourite record: Anything by Queen

Hobbies and past times: Walking Harvey the dog, carpentry and of course the motorbike

An interesting fact/s about you that few people will know: Only ever been called Benjamin by wife and mother.Swam nationally as a junior. Qualified building surveyor

St Gemma's donation update

Furnell Residential is making a financial contribution for every property they sell during the next 12 months.

The money will help support the amazing work the charity does.

The current total = £5,750!

St Gemma's Donation Update Hide